首页> 外文OA文献 >Komunikasi Antarpribadi Jarak Jauh antara Orangtua dan Anak (Studi pada Mahasiswa Universitas Riau yang Berasal dari Kabupaten Rokan Hulu)

Komunikasi Antarpribadi Jarak Jauh antara Orangtua dan Anak (Studi pada Mahasiswa Universitas Riau yang Berasal dari Kabupaten Rokan Hulu)




Interpersonal communication between parentas and children is an important role in enhancing the self discipline of children as a person of character. When parents separate of distance with their children, thay have to communicate with their children whom is very difficult to controll them when children still lived with them. There are problems that caused by lack of parental supervision due to children can€™t control their deviant behavior. This research is done for determining the effectiveness of long dictance€™s interpersonal communication between parents and children as well long distance€™s communication media which used University of Riau€™s student whom are in Rokan Hulu.This research used qualitative methode with research€™s location in Rokan Hulu. The subject of research is 10 parents and 10 University of Riau€™s students whom selected by purposive technique. In order to obtain the data, the researcher used three kinds of data collection techniques, such as participant observation, in-depth interview, and documentation.The result of research showed the first, that the effectiveness of long distance€™s interpersonal communication between parents and children (study of University of Riau€™s students whom lives in Rokan Hulu), there is openess that shown by parents rather than children; then deeply empathy that felt by parents to children rather than children to parents; and being supportive (supportivennes) parents whom make children feel spirit and always remember their parentss€™ advices; then a positive attitude (positivennes) of parents when giving the children confidence and showing affection to the children; and the last equality attitude to be fair among the children and give the freedom to the children in making a opinion. Second, this long distance€™s interpersonal communication used the visual communication media such as cell phone. Then the media used audiio visual€™s media and social networks such as facebook and blackberry massanger or BBM.Keywords: interpersonal communication, effectiveness of interpersonal communication, long-distance relationships between parents and children, juvenile delinquency
机译:父母与子女之间的人际交流对于增强儿童的品格是很重要的。当父母与孩子们疏远时,小家伙们必须与他们的孩子沟通,而当孩子仍然与他们同住时,很难控制他们。有一些问题是由于孩子无法控制自己的异常行为而导致父母缺乏监督。这项研究的目的是确定父母和孩子之间长距离人际交往的效果以及使用位于Rokan Hulu的廖内大学学生的长距离通讯媒体的有效性。这项研究采用定性方法研究在Rokan Hulu中的位置。研究的对象是10名家长和10名Riau大学的学生,他们是通过有目的的技术选择的。为了获得数据,研究人员使用了参与者观察,深入访谈和文献记录等三种数据收集技术。研究结果表明,第一,长距离人际交流的有效性。父母和子女(居住在Rokan Hulu的廖内大学学生的学习),父母而不是子女表现出开放的态度;然后是父母对孩子而不是孩子对父母的深切同情;以及成为支持孩子的父母,使孩子感到精神振奋并始终牢记他们父母的建议;然后,在给孩子信心和对孩子表示爱意时,父母会表现出积极的态度(positivennes);最后的平等态度应在孩子之间公平,并给予孩子自由发表意见的权利。其次,这种长距离的人际交流使用了诸如手机之类的视觉交流媒体。然后,媒体使用了audiio visual的媒体和社交网络,例如facebook和blackberry massanger或BBM。关键词:人际交往,人际交往的有效性,父母与孩子之间的长距离关系,青少年犯罪



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